A study published in Neuropsychology on changes in cognition, gait, and balance in abstinent and relapsed alcoholic men after two to twelve months of initial sobriety found abstinence of a year or less resulted in significant improvements. If someone tells you that it’s fine for recovering alcoholics to drink in moderation, consider why this person […]
FXRB — это тот же портфель еврооблигаций, но с защитой от изменения курса рубля к доллару и более высокой рублевой доходностью. Его поведение проще всего описать как рублевый депозит сроком на одну ночь, у которого проценты начисляются каждый день. По состоянию на май 2022 года из-за нарушения экономических связей торговля биржевыми фондами на Московской бирже затруднена, в том числе нет торгов по 11 фондам «Финекс». До нормализации обстановки инвестирование в ETF-фонды влечет дополнительные […]
Although the payment may not be immediate, the expense is recognized in your financial records at the time of purchase. With automated accounts payable, you gain real-time insights into your financial status. You can easily track pending invoices, payment statuses, and overall cash flow, allowing you to make informed decisions quickly. The accounts payable department […]
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) requires the percentage of completion in journal entries whenever possible to account for construction in progress. While costs are added to the construction in progress, related CIP account is debited with corresponding credits to accounts payable, accrued expenses, inventory, cash, and others. When the construction in progress is completed, related […]
And some—like certain business meals—are only 50% deductible. Granted, you could go back over your account history and carefully determine which debit charges were for your business, and which were for your personal life. But that could significantly eat up time better spent on helping your clients, and eventually, mistakes are bound to bookkeeping for […]
Co-occurring health conditions refer to clients addicted to a substance while also diagnosed with conditions such as cancer or heart disease. Ascension Brighton Center also helps treat clients who are suffering from conditions that developed as a result of substance use, such as malnourishment and cognitive impairment. Brighton’s sober living facilities hold 52 beds, all […]